Many bio-medical applications involve the analysis of sequences for motion characterization. In this article, we consider 2D+t sequences where a particular motion (e.g. a blood flow) is associated with a specific area of the 2D image (e.g. an artery) but multiple motions may exist simultaneously in the same sequences (e.g. there may be several blood vessels present, each with their specific flow). The characterization of this type of motion typically involves first finding the areas where motion is present, followed by an analysis of these motions: speed, regularity, frequency, etc. In this article, we propose a methodology called “area-of-motion characterization” suitable for simultaneously detecting and characterizing areas where motion is present in a sequence. We can then classify this motion into consistent areas using unsupervised learning and produce directly usable metrics for various ap- plications. We illustrate this methodology for the analysis of cilia motion on ex-vivo human samples, and we apply and validate the same methodology for blood flow analysis in fish embryo.