Nidà Meddouri

Nidà Meddouri
  • Site: Paris
  • Group: security and systems
  • Axis: machine learning and applications

Who am I

Me in brief:

Short Bio

I have been an associate professor at EPITA and member of LRDE since September 2022. Before joining EPITA, I was:

  • (FR) postdoctoral researcher at GREYC lab - University of Caen Normandy (2021-2022)
  • (FR) associate assistant professor at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne (2020-2021)
  • (FR) ATER at IUT d’Ifs - University of Caen Normandy (2019-2020)
  • (KSA) assistant professor at college of business - University of Jeddah (2017-2019)
  • (TN) assistant professor at Institut Supérieur des Langues Appliquées et Informatique de Béja - University of Jendouba (2013-).
  • (TN) Contractual assistant professor at Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et Technologies de Tunis - Université de Carthage (2009-2013)

I received the PhD degree in computer science in 2015 from the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Tunis - University of Tunis El Manar, which I did under the supervision of Mondher Maddouri in LIPAH Lab. My research is mainly concerned with foundation of data mining, machine learning, formal concept analysis and explainable artificial intelligence. I am steering member of the GT GAST :Gestion et l’Analyse de données Spatiales et Temporelles.

Research Interests

  • Data Mining
  • knowledge Discovery in Databases
  • Machine Learning: classification, clustering, ensemble learning, distributed learning, stream learning, Explainable learning…
  • Formal Concept Analysis
  • Sequences / Time Series


Current Projects

  • PAPRICA (PHC-Utique 2022).


You can find my publications:


I have created 2 lectures for EPITA students:
