Security and systems Group

Research thematics

The LRE “Security and Systems” group aims at securing IT systems in three areas:

  • the identification of vulnerabilities
  • the protection of software, operating systems and networks
  • attack detection using Machine Learning and Graph Learning

It focuses on two major scientific issues:

  • What are the best practices for creating robust and sustainable systems?
  • What artificial intelligence tools (graphs, machine learning) are used to detect malicious actors and software?

The group team is interested in attacks targeting both the heart of systems (processors, kernels, operating systems) and those targeting industrial, embedded and distributed systems (5G, SCADA, blockchain).


The application domains cover:

  • Operating Systems
  • Malware analysis
  • Internet of Things and 5G networks
  • Blockchain


The members of the team are part of:

We tightly collaborate with:

As well as with :

Projects and Contributions

Ongoing projects

Ongoing projects are:

  • XDGMed - Explainable attack Detection using Graphs for Medical devices, co-founded by Région Grand-Est and EPITA - 2022-2025

Past projects

Past projects are:

  • RAPID Project Damiage ‘Détection d’attaques et de Menaces pour des Infrastructures à Grande Echelle’, founded by French DGA - 2019-2023 (avec une pause Covid)

Earlier development projects by the team experts can be found here


Group leader: Pr. Pierre Parrend (HDR)

Associate Professors:

  • Elloh Adja
  • David Beserra
  • Marc Espie
  • Walid Ghandour
  • Ghada Gharbi
  • Nidà Meddouri
  • Loïc Rouquette

Phd students:

  • Maya Mouhamad
  • Khaoula Sgheier
  • Rizlane Abalil (avec l’équipe Automates et Applications)
  • Côme Frappé-Viallatoux
  • Majed Jaber
  • Julien Michel


Promotion 2026 : Lyes Bourenani

Promotion 2025 : Konig Koudogbo, Mohamed Matrab, Jules Leroquais

Former Members

Associate Professors:

  • Badis Hammi
  • Mark Angoustures

Phd students:

  • Abou Rida Amani


Promotion 2025 : Colléaux-Le Chêne Aloïs, Diaz Jules, Engler Darius, Kautz Mathias, Le Bail Giovanni, Lefeuvre Tudual, Meshcheriakov Vladimir, Mohamed Ben Ali Sabir, Neyrand Charles , Quesnel Kristen, Rabet Nathan, Reyland Nicolas, Wantiez Guillaume

Promotion 2024 : Younes Benreguieg

Promotion 2023 : Alexandre Fresnais, Martin Grenouilloux, Antoine Jouan, Alex Levigoureux, Pierre-Emmanuel Patry

You will find former members of LSE Lab here


Invited Talks

  • 30/08/2022, Pierre Parrend, Trusted Graphs: using graph-based learning for trusted Artificial Intelligence, Future IoT Summer School, Berlin
  • 20/09/2022, Marc Espie, Architectures vs the ports tree: a losing battle?, EuroBSDCon, Vienne, Autriche
  • 08/12/2022, Pierre Parrend, IT Security in Research, BioTechDays 2022, ESBS, Illkirch
  • 12/12/2022, Badis Hammi, Is it That easy to detect sybil attacks?, Workshop on Cybersecurity for Connected and Autonomous Cars, Télécom Paris, Palaison

Team Seminars

Previous and upcoming seminars can be found on the dedicated Seminars page.

You will find former events at LSE laboratory here


The team members are involved in teaching on:

They intervene in:

You will find older lectures, including recruitment assigments, here


Teams members and students are active in all campuses of EPITA:

  • Campus Cyber
  • Kremlin-Bicêtre
  • Lyon
  • Rennes
  • Strasbourg
  • Toulouse

Former Laboratory: LSE - Laboratoire Systèmes de l’EPITA