Safa Zouari

Safa Zouari

  • Site: Rennes
  • Group: automata and applications
In 2019, I obtained my teaching certificate after successfully passing the competitive “Concours d’Agrégation” exam in mathematics and graduating from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Tunis. The certificate allowed me to teach mathematics to undergraduate students (Institut préparatoire aux études d’ingenieur de Bizerte, Tunisia) from 2019 until April 2021.

In 2020, I completed my master’s degree in applied mathematics and numerical analysis from Manar University and LAMSIN lab at ENIT, Tunis.

Now, I am employed as a Ph.D. researcher at NTNU and a member of LRE at EPITA. My research focuses on concurrency theory and formal verification, to contribute to the development of a Higher-dimensional automata model under the supervision of Christian Johansen (NTNU), Uli Fahrenberg (EPITA, Paris), and Krzysztof Ziemiański (the University of Warsaw, Poland).