Florian Renkin

Dissecting ltlsynt

Abstract ltlsynt is a tool for synthesizing a reactive circuit satisfying a specification expressed as an LTL formula. ltlsynt generally follows a textbook approach: the LTL specification is translated into a parity game whose winning strategy can be seen as a Mealy machine modeling a valid controller. This article details each step of this approach, and presents various refinements integrated over the years. Some of these refinements are unique to ltlsynt: for instance, ltlsynt supports multiple ways to encode a Mealy machine as an AIG circuit, features multiple simplification algorithms for the intermediate Mealy machine, and bypasses the usual game-theoretic approach for some subclasses of LTL formulas in favor of more direct constructions.

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The Mealy-machine reduction functions of Spot

Abstract We present functions for reducing Mealy machines, initially detailed in our FORTE’22 article. These functions are now integrated into Spot 2.11.2, where they are used as part of the ltlsynt tool for reactive synthesis. Of course, since Spot is a library, these functions can also be used on their own, and we provide Python bindings for easy experiments. The reproducible capsule benchmarks these functions on Mealy machines from various sources, and compare them to the MeMin tool.

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Transformations d’$\omega$-automates pour la synthèse de contrôleurs réactifs

Abstract Le travail de cette thèèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la crééation de manièère automatique de systèèmes corrects àà partir de spéécifications, ce que l’on appelle “synthèse”synthèèse. Ce besoin de crééation automatique vient d’une part de la complexitéé de plus en plus importante des systèèmes que l’on créée mais aussi de la difficultéé de véérifier si un systèème est correct. Pour que la synthèèse soit utilisable en pratique, y compris dans l’industrie, il faut êêtre capable de produire des solutions pour des problèèmes plus ou moins complexes en un temps raisonnable.

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From Spot 2.0 to Spot 2.10: What’s new?

Abstract Spot is a C++17 library for LTL and $\omega$-automata manipulation, with command-line utilities, and Python bindings. This paper summarizes its evolution over the past six years, since the release of Spot 2.0, which was the first version to support $\omega$-automata with arbitrary acceptance conditions, and the last version presented at a conference. Since then, Spot has been extended with several features such as acceptance transformations, alternating automata, games, LTL synthesis, and more.

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Effective reductions of Mealy machines

By Florian Renkin, Philipp Schlehuber-Caissier, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Adrien Pommellet


In Proceedings of the 42nd international conference on formal techniques for distributed objects, components, and systems (FORTE’22)

Abstract We revisit the problem of reducing incompletely specified Mealy machines with reactive synthesis in mind. We propose two techniques: the former is inspired by the tool MeMin and solves the minimization problem, the latter is a novel approach derived from simulation-based reductions but may not guarantee a minimized machine. However, we argue that it offers a good enough compromise between the size of the resulting Mealy machine and performance. The proposed methods are benchmarked against MeMin on a large collection of test cases made of well-known instances as well as new ones.

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Practical applications of the Alternating Cycle Decomposition

By Antonio Casares, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Klara J. Meyer, Florian Renkin, Salomon Sickert


In Proceedings of the 28th international conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and analysis of systems (TACAS’22)

Abstract In 2021, Casares, Colcombet, and Fijalkow introduced the Alternating Cycle Decomposition (ACD) to study properties and transformations of Muller automata. We present the first practical implementation of the ACD in two different tools, Owl and Spot, and adapt it to the framework of Emerson-Lei automata, i.e., $\omega$-automata whose acceptance conditions are defined by Boolean formulas. The ACD provides a transformation of Emerson-Lei automata into parity automata with strong optimality guarantees: the resulting parity automaton is minimal among those automata that can be obtained by duplication of states.

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Practical “paritizing” of Emerson–Lei automata

By Florian Renkin, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Adrien Pommellet


In Proceedings of the 18th international symposium on automated technology for verification and analysis (ATVA’20)

Abstract We introduce a new algorithm that takes a Transition-based Emerson-Lei Automaton (TELA), that is, an $\omega$-automaton whose acceptance condition is an arbitrary Boolean formula on sets of transitions to be seen infinitely or finitely often, and converts it into a Transition-based Parity Automaton (TPA). To reduce the size of the output TPA, the algorithm combines and optimizes two procedures based on a latest appearance record principle, and introduces a partial degeneralization.

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