Jim Newton

An elegant and fast algorithm for partitioning types

By Jim Newton


In ELS 2023, the 16th european lisp symposium

Abstract We present an improvement on the Maximal Disjoint Type Decomposition algorithm, published previously. The new algorithm is shorter than the previously best known algorithm in terms of lines of code, and performs better in many, but not all, benchmarks. Additionally the algorithm computes metadata which makes the Brzozowski derivative easier to compute–both easier in terms of accuracy and computation time. Another advantage of this new algorithm is its resilience limited SUBTYPEP implementations.

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Comparing use-cases of tree-fold vs fold-left, how to fold and color a map

By Jim Newton


In Symposium on implementation and application of functional languages

Abstract In this article we examine some consequences of computation order of two different conceptual implementations of the fold function. We explore a set of performance- and accuracy-based experiments on two implementations of this function. In particular, we contrast the traditional fold-left implementation with another approach we refer to as tree-fold. It is often implicitly supposed that the binary operation in question has constant complexity. We explore several application areas which diverge from that assumption: rational arithmetic, floating-point arithmetic, and Binary Decisions Diagram construction.

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A portable, simple, embeddable type system

By Jim Newton, Adrien Pommellet


In ELS 2021, the 14th european lisp symposium

Abstract We present a simple type system inspired by that of Common Lisp. The type system is intended to be embedded into a host language and accepts certain fundamental types from that language as axiomatically given. The type calculus provided in the type system is capable of expressing union, intersection, and complement types, as well as membership, subtype, disjoint, and habitation (non-emptiness) checks. We present a theoretical foundation and two sample implementations, one in Clojure and one in Scala.

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Performance comparison of several folding strategies

By Jim Newton


In Trends in functional programming

Abstract In this article we examine the computation order and consequent performance of three different conceptual implementations of the fold function. We explore a set of performance based experiments on different implementations of this function. In particular, we contrast the fold-left implementation with two other implements we refer to as pair-wise-fold and tree-like-fold. We explore two application areas: ratio arithmetic and Binary Decisions Diagram construction. We demonstrate several cases where the performance of certain algorithms is very different depending on the approach taken.

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Implementing baker’s SUBTYPEP decision procedure

By Léo Valais, Jim Newton, Didier Verna


In ELS 2019, the 12th european lisp symposium

Abstract We present here our partial implementation of Baker’s decision procedure for SUBTYPEP. In his article “A Decision Procedure for Common Lisp’s SUBTYPEP Predicate”, he claims to provide implementation guidelines to obtain a SUBTYPEP more accurate and as efficient as the average implementation. However, he did not provide any serious implementation and his description is sometimes obscure. In this paper we present our implementation of part of his procedure, only supporting primitive types, CLOS classes, member, range and logical type specifiers.

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Finite automata theory based optimization of conditional variable binding

By Jim Newton, Didier Verna


In ELS 2019, the 12th european lisp symposium

Abstract We present an efficient and highly optimized implementation of destructuring-case in Common Lisp. This macro allows the selection of the most appropriate destructuring lambda list of several given based on structure and types of data at run-time and thereafter dispatches to the corresponding code branch. We examine an optimization technique, based on finite automata theory applied to conditional variable binding and execution, and type-based pattern matching on Common Lisp sequences.

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Representing and computing with types in dynamically typed languages

Abstract In this report, we present code generation techniques related to run-time type checking of heterogeneous sequences. Traditional regular expressions can be used to recognize well defined sets of character strings called rational languages or sometimes regular languages. Newton et al. present an extension whereby a dynamic programming language may recognize a well defined set of heterogeneous sequences, such as lists and vectors. As with the analogous string matching regular expression theory, matching these regular type expressions can also be achieved by using a finite state machine (deterministic finite automata, DFA).

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Recognizing heterogeneous sequences by rational type expression

By Jim Newton, Didier Verna


In Proceedings of the meta’18: Workshop on meta-programming techniques and reflection

Abstract We summarize a technique for writing functions which recognize types of heterogeneous sequences in Common Lisp. The technique employs sequence recognition functions, generated at compile time, and evaluated at run-time. The technique we demonstrate extends the Common Lisp type system, exploiting the theory of rational languages, Binary Decision Diagrams, and the Turing complete macro facility of Common Lisp. The resulting system uses meta-programming to move an exponential complexity operation from run-time to a compile-time operation, leaving a highly optimized linear complexity operation for run-time.

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A theoretical and numerical analysis of the worst-case size of reduced ordered binary decision diagrams

By Jim Newton, Didier Verna


In ACM Transactions on Computational Logic

Abstract Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and in particular ROBDDs (Reduced Ordered BDDs) are a common data structure for manipulating Boolean expressions, integrated circuit design, type inferencers, model checkers, and many other applications. Although the ROBDD is a lightweight data structure to implement, the behavior, in terms of memory allocation, may not be obvious to the program architect. We explore experimentally, numerically, and theoretically the typical and worst-case ROBDD sizes in terms of number of nodes and residual compression ratios, as compared to unreduced BDDs.

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Strategies in typecase optimization

By Jim Newton, Didier Verna


In ELS 2018, the 11th european lisp symposium

Abstract We contrast two approaches to optimizing the Common Lisp typecase macro expansion. The first approach is based on heuristics intended to estimate run time performance of certain type checks involving Common Lisp type specifiers. The technique may, depending on code size, exhaustively search the space of permutations of the type checks, intent on finding the optimal order. With the second technique, we represent a typecase form as a type specifier, encapsulating the side-effecting non-Boolean parts so as to appear compatible with the Common Lisp type algebra operators.

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